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  • Writer's pictureBrennan Boudreau

Peanut Butter Paradise

Peanut butter: one of life’s greatest joys. I weep for those with a nut allergy. For me, peanut butter is that one ingredient that makes any dessert better (just like how I think ketchup makes any meal better.) It’s a food I always have in my house and last night, I decided to bake with it.

With food supplies dwindling, I took a look at the contents of my fridge and cabinets and wondered what I could whip up. A quick search in Pinterest for “vegan peanut butter cookies” later and I was getting out the ingredients and mixing bowls.

The recipe I used took a few minutes of digging to find, seeing as how I wanted to find one that called for ingredients I already had, but the real selling point was that the cookies only took 10-12 minutes to bake. Prep took about 15 minutes and then another 30 for the dough to chill. After a quick visit to the fridge, the dough was ready to be rolled into balls that were then coated in sugar (I added cinnamon for some extra flavor) and placed on a baking sheet. Each ball got flattened with a fork and then they were ready for the ove

The final result? Delicious. Pinterest remains to be the most helpful social media platform when looking for specific things/niche interests. Users can comment their own experience with a DIY project or recipe, which is incredibly useful when trying to decide what you want to make. I'll be sure to write a rave review of my own (after I finish eating another cookie.)

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